Healthy Habits
Habits are the repetitive things you do daily, hourly, or by the minute that form your life. Habits are the actions you take that make your life the experience you are having. They may be little or mundane, but habits can change your world!Here are my top Healthy Habits for regenerative wellbeing.
Drink Pure Water Daily
Water makes up the greatest percentage of your body. It’s important to hydrate between meals, it’s essential to the healthy function of your cells, increasing energy dramatically and improving daily detoxification.
Drink Pure Water
Restorative sleep is critical for healthy mind and body. Working with your natural circadian rhythms, getting to sleep as the day fades away and melatonin rises , sleeping soundly and progressing through all the phases of a nightly sleep pattern to wake refreshed and energised.
Good Sleep
Eat Regenerative Food
Wholesome food, as close as possible to how it’s found in nature, is what your daily meals should be filled with. The diverse array of nutrients found in real food is what your cells need to function and give you vitality. Choose fresh, home grown or organic and you’ll not only be doing yourself a favour but you’ll nourish your microbiome to flourish and support you. To find out more watch my Introduction to Regenerative Eating video…
Regenerative Eating
Conscious Eating
It’s not just what you eat, but how you eat that ensures that you are well nourished. Anticipating food, being thankful and enjoying eating, sets in motion a healthy process of digestion. Chewing food is essential… your teeth aren’t just for a great smile!… their job is to break down the food so your digestive enzymes have greater effect. Make special meal times and relax as you digest to support gut health and absorption of nutrients.
Conscious Mindful Eating
Your bowels, liver, skin and kidneys are working continuously to clear toxins from your system. Toxins are formed through cellular processes, ingested, breathed and absorbed through the skin. Emptying your bowels at least daily is essential to support the processes of detoxification.
Daily Detoxification
Finding Your Peace-Place
We all have a place inside us where we experience peace, where tension melts and energy flows. Finding this place daily is perhaps the most powerful contributor to good health. Good thoughts, healthy connection with yourself, other people and the earth, spring from here. Reflection, meditation and prayer, walking in the bush, the beach, stopping to “smell the roses” and appreciate the sunshine, are all wonderful ways to ground yourself in peace.
Mind-Body Peace
Daily action and physical activity is a powerhouse for vitality. Exercise has far reaching effects in cell function and a daily ‘must do’ for wellness. There are many forms of exercise and it’s important to find what works best for your unique body.
Exercise for Health
Your diaphragm muscle is the regulator of your breathing, or it’s meant to be! Many people breathe only with their chest muscles causing muscle tightness in the shoulders and neck. Some hold their breath and don’t realise it, or hyperventilate causing disruption to the CO2:O2 balance. Learn how to breathe effectively and make a habit of breathing well each day, it will revolutionise your life.
Breathe for Health
Vitamin D
Don’t forget your daily Vitamin D fix! A short appointment with the sun when it’s high enough to cast your shadow shorter than you, may be all you need to provide an abundance of vitamin D. Don’t stay long enough to burn, but do expose plenty of skin. Vitamin D (a hormone), is produced in the skin on exposure to UVB. You can’t get enough of it through your food; supplementation is the only other effective option. Vitamin D is essential for many things such as a healthy pregnancy, good immunity, strong bones and protection from some cancers.
Vitamin D
Choose Chemical Free
Our modern world produces new synthetic chemicals and products at an alarming rate. History shows that without years of testing and use there is no way to be sure of their safety. New science confirms that many chemicals are toxic and harmful yet they keep bombarding our lives. You can choose chemical-free in little ways daily, household products, skin care and makeup, foods and drinks. Invest in your health!
Chemical Free